Loose Slots

There is a plethora of things to know about casino slots whether you’re just considering playing them or have been playing them for a while now. Hopefully, you will find this article very helpful. It will get you started on your path towards being a more informed, wiser, smarter player who thinks through his decisions and makes the right calls.

For a bit of introduction, what exactly are casino slots? If you already know perfectly well, feel free to skip this paragraph all together. Casino slots can be played both in a real life casino and an online setting. Their basis is pulling a lever or pushing a button which sets off several rows of symbols that line up in a random formation which decides whether you win or lose money and how much you either win or lose. Online these slot machines operate on random number generators. This means they are completely random and do not require any strategy. Everyone has a chance to win. It’s a lot easier than poker with all the thrill and a very popular option among Brits especially and the general global population. Still, you can play your cards right, even when playing a seemingly completely random game. This article will talk about that, how to do that and more. Let’s talk about casino slots.

You’ve heard this term before. It comes from the time before online casinos (and online anything) and stands for slot machines in casinos with an inherent mechanical error that made them far more likely to distribute money, making it easier to win. People took advantage of that feature of casino slots.

Such things do exist, however, they are different to the original variation. It’s true that all online slot machines run on random number generators, drawing your attention to the word random. But it’s possible to find loose slots online by checking the general frequency of the slot game paying out. If other people are statistically winning more, it’s likely that so will you.

What to Know About Casino Slots

You can also find them by looking beyond flashy graphics and promotions. By scrolling down to the very bottom of the page, you may actually find the slots that pay out way more.

Progressive jackpots vs traditional jackpots

  1. Many online casinos are now offering progressive jackpots. They’re available in only certain casinos in only certain sets of games.
  2. Progressive jackpots are essentially instant millionaire and billionaire makers. The amounts of money being offered are impressive, meanwhile your betting can stay surprisingly low.
  3. Traditional jackpots offer more humble amounts of money.

Now, this isn’t to say that you’re guaranteed to instantly become a millionaire by simply playing games with progressive jackpots. No, what this means is that you have the chance to win that kind of money very quickly and very simply but you should still gamble responsibly and consider your financial decisions carefully, especially when it comes to playing online.

Humble Pays More

If you’re playing online, this will manifest in the placement of the slot game on top of the webpage, being promoted aggressively, just to get you to play that game specifically, and in flashy graphics, fun and loud sound effects and music etc. If you’re playing in a real life casino this can manifest in the placement of the machines as well as the difference between video slots and good old-fashioned reel slots. The ones that shine the most and are clearly there to attract you most, draw you in and pull you towards them. You know the ones. Here’s the thing: these are the slots casinos win from. And consequently, you lose. Meanwhile, the more humble version of these same games that give you the same thrill and pleasure of playing are actually way more likely to allow you to win. You’re far more likely to win and even win big at the slots that are far less promoted. They’re less promoted because the casino loses money from them. But that also means you win money.

So stick with the slightly humbler options at the bottom of the page or in the corner of the room. This is the best strategy when it comes to slots that actually does give you a real benefit that you can use to your advantage to win more money. Casino slots are fun but avoid giving a fortune to casino slots without getting anything back.